Weekly Announcements



6 - 12 October 2024

Minister : Reverend Colin Douglas

Organist : Simon Bertram

Hymns & Readings for the 10 am service -

Hymn numbers : 5, 27, 228, 238, 685

Readings : Genesis 1 : 26 – 2 : 3 and John 6 : 35 & 41 - 51

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WELCOME TO WORSHIP at Cramond Kirk in church and on-line. We are glad you have been able to join us.

FURTHER INFORMATION on many of the following announcements is available from Louise in the Cramond Kirk Office or from Alan Fisher at Pennywell Kirk (fishatthewell@hotmail.com). The Cramond Kirk office is open from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Louise can also be contacted on 336 2036 or by e-mail at office@cramondkirk.org.uk.

CONTACTING REVEREND JULIA CATO If you need to contact Julia, her phone number is 07706 454148 and her email address is jcato@churchofscotland.org.uk.

THE GATHERING SPACE CAFÉ will be closed from Saturday, 12 October for the October holiday week but Heather & Cathy look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday, 22 October.

BIBLE STUDY – STIRRED BY THE STORM Cramond Kirk’s Bible Study Group meets in Cramond Kirk Hall every second Wednesday at 7 pm and the next meeting of the new session is on Wednesday, 8 October. The group will be continuing to study Ian Gilmour’s book “Stirred by the Storm”. All are welcome and if you’d like to join via zoom instead of in person, please contact Louise in the Kirk Office.

THE BIBLE STUDY GROUP AT PENNYWELL meets on zoom every Tuesday evening and looks at different books and topics. At the moment they are thinking about Heaven. For further information, please contact Violetta Fejszes at vfejszes@churchofscotland.org.uk

THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE The deadline for the submission of articles for the next Grapevine magazine is Sunday, 20 October. Short articles are very welcome with photos sent separately if possible. Articles and photos should be sent to editor@cramondkirk.org.uk.

THE FAIR TRADE STALL will be up and running in Cramond Kirk Hall following the 10 am service on Sunday, 13 October so please don’t forget to stock up on your Fair Trade goodies.

MOVIE AFTERNOON Pennywell Kirk are holding their next movie afternoon at 3.30 pm on Sunday, 13 October with the film “Bridge of Spies”, the true story of a Cold War spy swap starring Tom Hanks. All are welcome.

THE CRAMOND WALKERS next walk is on Wednesday, 9 October with a walk through Pollok Country Park (8 km), a picnic lunch near the duck pond and a chance to visit the Burrell Collection. Further information is available HERE.

THE WEDNESDAY CLUB begins its new session with a Beetle Drive in the Kirk Hall at 7.30 pm on Wednesday, 9 October.

CREATIVE WRITING IN CRAMOND A friendly writing group for new & nearly new writers meets once a month in Cramond Kirk Hall. Their next meeting is on Thursday, 10 October between 10 am & 12 noon. All budding writers would be most welcome. Just bring along a pen and paper and a desire to write. There is a £5 charge for each session.

A CHRISTMAS PLEA FOR HELP The Christmas Goods stall at this year’s Christmas Fair is in need of a convenor. If you would be willing to help look after the stall or would like more information about the stall, please contact Caroline Whitehurst at carolinew@asia.com

DOORS OPEN DAY QUIZ To coincide with Doors Open Day, the next in our ever popular quizzes is now available at the Kirk doors and in the Kirk Hall. All answers refer to types of buildings. Please pop a £1 in the collection box and help yourself to a quiz. The deadline for entries is Sunday, 27 October. All proceeds will go to Fresh Start.

FOREIGN & OUT OF DATE CURRENCY APPEAL Mary’s Meals is collecting foreign currency as well as UK coins/notes that are no longer legal tender, no matter how old or obscure.  Collection boxes are available in the Session House and in the Kirk Hall so please have a hunt at home and bring along your coins and notes. Currently Mary’s Meals feeds over 2.4 million young children one good meal every day in their place of education and by giving Mary’s Meals your currency, you can help feed the next hungry child. Further information on Mary's Meals is available HERE.

FRESH START Many thanks for the recent donations of pots & pans, curtains, a hoover, a lamp & a rug. Donations are always welcome and can be left on the Fresh Start table in the Kirk Hall at any time or delivered to the Fresh Start warehouse at 22-24 Ferry Road Drive. Further information on Fresh Start is available HERE.

CROSSREACH NEWS & CHRISTMAS CARDS The latest CrossReach newsletter as well as the CrossReach Christmas card & calendar collection for 2024 are now available. A few newsletters and catalogues can be found at the Kirk doors and the full catalogue is available HERE. Please support the work of CrossReach as you prepare for Christmas.

CRAMOND COFFEE & CHAT takes place every Monday from 10.30 am to 12 noon in the Gathering Space of Cramond Kirk Hall and all are welcome.

‘THE PLACE TO BE’ COFFEE MORNING is held in Pennywell Kirk Hall every Monday at 10 am. All are welcome.


28 September     Pauline McFadyen

30 September     Ken Johnston

FLOWERS         Margaret Kernohan - Remembering Bob Kernohan





in Cramond Kirk

Sunday, 13 October

(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)

8.45 : Morning Prayers 

10.00 am : Harvest Service

Sunday, 20 October

(Lay-led service)

8.45 : Morning Prayers

10.00 am : Morning Worship

in Pennywell Kirk

Sunday, 13 October

(Minister : Reverend Angus Mathieson)

11.00 am : Morning Worship

Sunday, 20 October

(Minister : Reverend Alex Douglas)

11.00 am : Morning Worship

LIVE STREAMING Please note that the 10 am service at Cramond Kirk and the 11 am service at Pennywell Kirk are live streamed to the Kirk website every Sunday morning. The cameras will focus on the front of the Kirks – the pulpit, lectern and Communion Table. However some of those sitting at the front may also be in camera shot. For those of you watching from home, the link to Cramond Kirk's live stream can be found HERE and Pennywell Kirk's service is available HERE. The live services will also be available to watch later on Facebook and on the website.

TWITTER/X & FACEBOOK Cramond Kirk’s X feed is available at @cramondkirk1 and a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cramondkirk2 so please do keep in touch on either to check all the latest news & happenings. Both are also accessible from the Kirk website & if you do visit either site, please remember to “share” and “like” our page.

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Once a week you’ll find a “Daily Devotion” from one our Daily Devotions team. The videos are available HERE


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